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Long journey, only struggle! Do not forget the original heart, strive to move forward!
Standing at the end of 2020, we look back at the past, there are too many moved and stories;
As we stand at the beginning of 2021, we look forward to the future, with more expectations and dreams.
On February 9, the 2020 annual summary and commendation conference of Wuxi Houde Automation Instrument Co., Ltd. was held. All the employees of the company gather together, discuss development, and celebrate the festival!
At the conference, Mr. Xu Zhiqiang, chairman of the company, made a report of "2020 work summary and 2021 work plan". First of all, the company's achievements in 2020 were summarized. 2020 was an extraordinary year. In the face of the sudden new coronavirus outbreak at the beginning of the year, all employees, under the unified deployment and guidance of the company's safety and epidemic prevention team, actively organized the resumption of work and production while grasping the epidemic prevention and control work. Fully affirmed Houde staff adhere to the original heart, solidarity, innovation, the spirit of climbing the peak, and put forward the New Year's ardent expectations and development planning.

2020 has been an extraordinary year,
We have worked side by side to overcome difficulties;
We have been retrograde to help restore work and production.
In the past year, I have heard "COVID-19" many times;
This year, wear masks because we want to protect ourselves and each other;
This year, the exploration of the sea of stars never stopped;
This year, I know how to cherish and be grateful.
In 2020, there are tears, pride, and the rebirth of adversity that cannot be beaten.

This year, you are wonderful,
In spite of everything,
But you're not scared!
Keep learning, keep growing
Dive firmly, galloping ceaselessly
2020, you look so good trying!

In this year, all Houde people move forward against the trend and bravely stand at the head of the tide. The achievement of gratifying results is inseparable from the unity and hard work of every employee, and of course, it is inseparable from those beautiful thick de contrarians.
This year, you are role models,
Run to the wind and live to the sun
In this difficult year, the epidemic is raging
You sweat all the way, charge ahead
Always stick to the user project site
Escort the timely and safe operation of the field equipment
To achieve customer demand, thick will respond
In front of the company, ordinary you have great energy
Before the waves, after the waves rush
Surging forward, live up to youth
They use unwavering faith
Took up the responsibility and responsibility
They use practical action
Practice the customer as the center of the thick moral spirit
I believe that in 2021, you will not be afraid of challenges, rise to the difficulties, and brave the torrent to reach a new high!


     20年來,無錫市厚德自動化儀表有限公司在董事長徐志強先(xiān)生的堅強帶領下,在所(suǒ)有厚德員工的共(gòng)同努力下,以“質量爲本 ,信譽好”爲發展宗(zōng)旨,以“精心(xīn)設計,打造厚德品牌;開拓創新,滿足客戶需求(qiú)”爲經營(yíng)理念,以技術創新爲企業發展的核心動力,在激烈的市場競争中奮力拼搏,砥砺前(qián)行,從一個名不見經傳的小企業,發(fā)展到如今行業知名的企(qǐ)業,走出了一部(bù)筚路藍縷的創業史,走出了一部自強不息的奮鬥史,走出了(le)一部銳意(yì)進取的發展史(shǐ)。



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